March 02, 2020

Joined: Feb 25, 2020

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My cousin referred me to Kathryn for a free 30 minute consultation- I had a few general questions regarding the graduate application process. That thirty minute call turned into a two hour conversation about my professional background, future goals, and application strategy. By the end of it, I had two realizations. First, I had a lot to gain from the wealth of knowledge that Kathryn and her team brought to the table; and second, the small investment of hiring SOP to increase my acceptance success was simply a prerequisite for the big investment that graduate school would be for my future.

The SOP team was dedicated to my success from day one. Bailey kept me in check and on schedule, which was beyond helpful and enabled me to balance application work with my demanding day-to-day schedule. Wendy was the point person on my career narrative- a task that challenged me to consider the details of my future. She was in stride with me every step of the way and her kindness was a calming motivator that pushed me to develop my best possible work. My adviser, John, was supportive and challenging in the most perfect proportions! His guidance and feedback instilled confidence in myself and the process. I am so grateful to him and to the entire SOP leadership team!

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