January 19, 2017

Joined: Jan 06, 2016

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A Partnership Worth the Price


I started the MBA application process with little to no idea about my candidacy, what to write on essays, who I was going to ask for recommendations and what ways to interact with schools. I called several admission consulting firms for consultations, and felt each one was trying to discourage me from applying. They did nothing more than simply offer pre-packaged talking points and I did not see the value they would be adding. I was a younger applicant, and did not have a large network of friends or colleagues I could turn to for guidance.

That is when I came across Kathryn and Sunny at SOP.

They immediately worked to become deeply involved in my story, and helped personalize my approach to applying to business schools. They guided me from day one on how to approach my recommenders, how to interact with schools, how to craft a strong vision for my career and how to select topics for my essays that would set me apart. The reality with the business school application process is that it is extremely tiresome, long and complicated. SOP made sure I was extremely informed and knowledgeable about every step of the process, and they became my biggest support system while applying. My consultant, Sunny, knew my story with a ton of detail, and I felt she cared as much about met getting into a top business school as I did myself. I worked with them comprehensively on only one school - the toughest to get into (Stanford). But everything I learned in my conversations with Sunny proved critical in every essay, LOR, and each interview at all my other schools. I got into several: Haas, Ross, and Tuck. I couldn't be happier. I was very fortunate to find SOP, and highly recommend them to anyone who wants to succeed with this complicated process.

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