November 05, 2016

Joined: Oct 31, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
470 Q22 V34



I have nothing but positive things to say about SquareOne Prep, Kathryn in particular.

From the very beginning of my process (which started a year before I actually applied), Kathryn spent an enormous amount of time with me on the phone addressing my concerns, reassuring me and giving me extremely honest advice about how I should think about my candidacy. This was before she even signed on as my advisor. After multiple phone conversations, we agreed that I ought to wait, re-take my exam (I was barely crossing 300) and strengthen my profile for first round the following cycle. When it was time to kick off the application process, Kathryn reached out to me unprompted and asked if I was ready to begin our work together. Initially I was wary about hiring an advisor but after speaking with Kathryn and learning more about her curated approach to the application process, I knew I would greatly benefit from her coaching and acute knowledge of the admissions committees. I could tell she was truly invested in my success and was as intent on me getting into the school of my dreams as I was.

After our first official introduction conversation, for the first time I was excited about the cumbersome journey of the b-school application process. Kathryn made the process seem less daunting and more of an exciting road that we would be on together. Kathryn always made herself available, even if it was just to hop on the phone for 5-10 minutes. She gave me encouraging, honest and incredibly detailed feedback about each aspect of my candidacy – where I was strong and where we needed to strengthen. After taking my exam multiple times and still receiving a low test score of 305, I was convinced that going to a top b-school was not a reality for me. Yet, Kathryn believed in my potential and promised that we would overcome my low score by strengthening the rest of my application. When I was doubtful about applying to only top schools, Kathryn pushed me to go for it because what she believed in what I had to offer. With a strict timeline and thought out plan, I began my applications very early which eliminated last-minute haste and stress. Ultimately, I got in early to my top choice program – Columbia—and owe much of this success to Kathryn and Square One Prep.

I highly recommend Kathryn & SquareOne Prep to anyone going through the b-school application process, it is a wise investment.

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