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Strength of Olin MBA is in it's small class size, excellent faculty and program staff, Well designed curriculum structure, and various options for real world experience along side classes. For me, MBA is a personal journey, and I wanted a school that has close knit feeling and where you can hide in the big crowd, Olin MBA program fulfils those needs perfectly, there is almost one-to-one attention for every student, everyone knows everyone, it's like a family. Faculty, graduate office, career advisors, and your peers, everyone knows you, your strengths and weaknesses.
Olin Business School has good relations with most of the leading firms, in various industries. There are numerous networking opportunities both on and off the campus. Olin students have great social life as well, there are number of club events, parties and other social gatherings. Few areas of improvement are more strengthened alumni network, bringing even more companies to campus, and better brand image.
Advice to future students, be sure about what you want out of the MBA program, make sure the program resonates with you both professionally and personally.
Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Culture & Student Support
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school