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I am currently a student at the Nanyang MBA programme and I will be starting Trimester 2 this November. I have to say my experience with the programme has been very enriching so far. This is why:
1) Strong support from the school's career services team - NTU has a dedicated team of faculty members who will see through your career needs right from the beginning of the programme. They will hold networking events, practical skills workshop (e.g. branding), arrange a one-on-one career coach for you and provide career consulting sessions.
2) NTU known as the leading tech and innovation school in Singapore, has been constantly updating their curriculum to keep the student's skills and knowledge relevant to today's business world. For example, the school offered data analytics electives to the current cohort and will be opening up a new track for specialization in business analytics next year.
3) Diversity of the student body - close to 90% of the cohort are international students who originated from many different countries (e.g. China, India, Philippines, Thailand, Greece, US, Canada) and close to 40% of the students are females. Many students came from different industries too. It is a good opportunity to build on your cultural understanding and leadership skills when interacting and working with others from different backgrounds.
Overall, I think the programme has fairly met my expectations. It is a pity that Trimester 1's classes were online (limited interaction with fellow classmates). Trimester 2's classes in November will be hosted face to face so hopefully, there will be greater opportunities for interactions and networking.
I would highly recommend future applicants to apply!
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (4.0)
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school
Curriculum, Classes, Professors