April 07, 2020

Joined: Apr 07, 2020

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Katy prepared me to nail my interview at HBS!

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When I received an invitation to interview at my dream school (HBS), I was in shock. On the one hand, I was proud for surviving the toughest filter in the application process. On the other hand, I felt very anxious figuring out how to nail this interview (especially since I had already failed the interview at other three top-tier business schools).

Today, I am happy to report that I was admitted into Harvard Business School. I owe this accomplishment in great part to Katy Lewis, who became my mentor throughout the interview process, and prepared me to crush it. More specifically, Katy helped me in three ways:

1. We did 2 mock interviews before my real interview at HBS. As a Latin American candidate, who speaks English as a second language, these mock interviews helped me to relax and get comfortable telling my story in English.
2. Katy knows very well how HBS admission officers conduct their interviews, and what kind of questions they like to ask. Therefore, practicing with her helped to reflect on the answer to several questions that were actually asked in the real interview.
3. Finally, Katy provided me with very detailed feedback at the end of each mock interview, pinpointing the answers in which I had an opportunity for improvement. I really appreciate how honest and direct she was. In some cases, she helped me to strengthen my wording in order to communicate my story in a more crisp and clear manner. In other cases, we restructured my entire answer because the message I was conveying was not helping me to build up my case.

Overall, I am thankful for finding Katy and being able to work with her. Before our sessions, I was tired of reading over and over again about the importance of “being myself” and “enjoying” the interview process without actually understanding what these clichés meant. I regret not having Katy’s guidance throughout my first three interviews with other schools. I am glad that I met her just in time to get into my dream school.

I highly recommend her!

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