January 02, 2014

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Kudos: 5

Improvement 110 Points

Course Manhattan Prep MGMAT GMAT On Demand

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After independently studying for months, I took the GMAT for the first time and scored a 650 – about 70 points lower than my goal. I approached Manhattan GMAT for tutoring, desperate since I was planning to take the GMAT again a month later, and requested to be paired up with Dmitry Farber since a friend of mine had had success with him.

Dmitry taught me as much about mental preparation for the GMAT (something I largely had ignored before) as about effective approaches to problems. I had overstressed before taking the GMAT the first time, and exhausted myself mentally by taking too many practice tests in the weeks leading up. Dmitry really nailed in for me how important it was to have a relaxed but alert mind coming into the test. Further, after analyzing some of my practice tests, he provided me new methods for tackling problems that I was spending too much time on so that I was more efficient in the test.

Several tutoring sessions later, and not TOO much extra study or practice tests, I felt much more confident and prepared to tackle the test and came out with a 760 – far beyond what I had targeted. I simply could not have done it without Dmitry’s insightful perspectives and practical help.

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