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I entered the program with a support of a sponsorship by my current company and does not have a plan to stay in US but in my 2 year time school provided me good career services although they know my situation. Chris was very helpful and helped me gain useful insights about finance sector and consulting by doing workshops and calling events with alumni from near area companies. There were 2 career fairs that had lots of companies for you to meet and have small talks so that you may have a better chance of finding internships or jobs. School does not have specific pathways that you feel confident about areas that you are learning and program should be powered up with more advanced electives and up to date content but my overall experince was near excellent most of the time thinking of great landscape and beaches close to the school that compensate minor deficiencies encountered in the program.
Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (3.0)
Career opportunities provided by school
Admissions Team
Curriculum, Classes, Professors