July 15, 2020

Joined: Jul 13, 2020

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I decided to apply to business school shortly before I turned 28; I therefore did not make decisions in my undergraduate training, early career, or extracurriculars that would directly funnel into my MBA applications. At the same time, I had immense passion for my experiences leading up to the MBA application. Having decided I wanted personalized help to make sure I put my best foot forward, I Initially expected only to turn to Rebecca for help communicating my excitement effectively. In practice, Rebecca guided me to a critical second prong in my overall application strategy: doubling down on the parts of my profile still under my control.

Without Rebecca as a coach I would not have reached a high-700 GMAT score, pivoted my application strategy due to new information at work, pushed beyond 3-4 essay drafts, connected personally with each of my target schools, or performed extensive interview prep. Each of these very concrete efforts, informed by Rebecca’s strategy, proved critical in my applications, and drove my overall outcomes. Rebecca helped me shift my focus from PT programs to FT during re-orgs at work and as the outlook for the overall job-market changed (just prior to the start of Covid-19). These insights proved very prescient; I now will be attending Kellogg FT in fall (which happens to be Rebecca’s alma mater). I was also admitted to McCombs, Tepper ($70K scholarship), and Ross ($30K scholarship). I ultimately canceled waitlist decisions at Haas and SOM.

The combination of these two focus areas -- making sense of my pre-MBA experiences and doubling down on the application -- also produced outstanding results off-paper. Having now turned my professional experiences inside-out and examined my interests from many different angles, I am much more confident in both where I came from and where I want to go. The process of expending tremendous amounts of effort and achieving a top outcome also encouraged me to continue setting reach-goals as I begin to plan for my post-MBA trajectory. This growth, in addition to the above results, came as direct results of working with Rebecca; both she and the team at Menlo have my strongest recommendation!

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