February 08, 2020

Joined: Feb 08, 2020

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A Life Changing Decision


A Life Changing Decision

There are few decisions in life that are truly life changing, that help you learn about yourself, discover new opportunities, and vault toward your potential. Working with Rebecca at Menlo Coaching was my life changing decision, and I could not feel more grateful for the experience nor more excited about my future prospects.

Rebecca brings a personalized touch to the experience rather than pushing you through the gauntlet of an application checklist. She takes time to get to know you, and from our first conversation, Rebecca’s empathetic and thoughtful disposition put me at ease and encouraged me to open up and tackle difficult but important topics. Her feedback was always frank and direct, and it was a relief to be able to get straight to the point in a process that requires the applicant to be extremely honest with him or herself. Rebecca went above and beyond in every aspect, and I came away from this process not only with 7 Round 1 applications I was immensely proud of and admission to my top school, but also with a deeper understanding of myself and my goals. I could go on and on, but I will instead summarize just a few key areas below.

Essay Feedback:
- Kicked off the process by encouraging me to do a free-write of my life story, which was invaluable later on when addressing specific questions in essay prompts or short answers
- Helped me approach essay prompts from the lense of the admissions reader, so that my message was communicated clearly, precisely, and emphatically
- Asked insightful questions to extract or discover deeper meaning to what I was trying to say
- Never compromised quality, even if it meant patiently answering my questions or providing feedback repeatedly on the same short sentence
- Never compromised my identity, guiding me to craft essays that were the purest expression of myself

Networking Connections and Guidance:
- Provided guidance on how to get the most out of networking events and school visits, which can be overwhelming with so many people to talk to and a day jam packed with programming
- Introduced me to past clients at my target schools, current clients in industries that interested me, and more senior professionals that had successfully navigated a similar path to the one I had in mind

Wealth of Resources:
- Connected me with a body language coach, since an interview is not all about words
- Provided countless informational videos covering every topic related to MBA programs, career opportunities, and the application process
- Organized a clear and thoughtful approach with a calendar and to do list available online
- Encouraged collaboration with her other current clients, creating a network of peers we could rely on for school visit reports and interview feedback
- Facilitated 3 mock interviews, with opportunities for more if I needed them

Personalized Approach:
- Brought a customized approach, not cookie cutter at all. I applied with my partner, so Rebecca tailored her approach to consider both of our goals and likely outcomes
- Helped me and my partner negotiate offers with schools
- Was literally always available and responsive. I was concerned the time zones would be a problem, but it is actually an advantage for US clients since she always had lots of feedback for me when I woke up in the mornings
- Accommodated my busy work schedule and helped me create a plan that took advantage of my mornings and late evenings
- Helped me navigate a difficult political situation that arose while networking with alumni
- Gave me peace of mind knowing that an experienced professional was guiding me through the very involved and often overwhelming process of applying to top MBA programs

If you are looking for an MBA admissions coach who will elevate your applications, guide you through the process, and help you realize your potential, look no further than Rebecca at Menlo Coaching. I guarantee you will also have a life changing experience.

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