September 10, 2017

Joined: Jul 24, 2017

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Angela is a godsend

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I first met Angela through the Forte Launch program in February 2017. From the moment she presented how to communicate your life narrative with quotes and tips from Joseph Campbell's, A Hero's Journey, I knew she would be a source I could rely on to help me craft the best version of myself to share with AdCom for bschool apps. All of her webinars were succinct, clear and engaging - particularly, her insight into how to best communicate your accomplishments in your resume and essay. I found her advice inspiring, yet practical. Her resume template and tips were especially helpful and by following the suggestions closely, I was able to make my resume really stand out. Also, I have been using the hero's arc method with all of my essays so far and its been tremendously helpful in making each one a compelling read. Above all, however, Angela has helped me to reframe my approach from "how to get in" to "how to help the adcomm understand who I am." This authenticity approach has made the process more enjoyable. Hopefully the adcomm appreciates it as well when they make their decisions! Thank you Angela!

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