March 27, 2015

Posts: 1

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I took mbaMission's boot camp last summer and applied to schools this past winter. It was really a fantastic experience! Breaking it down...

There were three main reasons I took the boot camp:

1. I didn't know what an MBA essay should look / read like. I work in entertainment (TV production) and have some background in creative writing, but I wanted to make sure I was putting my best foot forward with these essays and wasn't coming across too vague or artsy.

2. I was really intimidated by the price tags I was seeing for one-on-one consulting services, and the boot camp seemed like a great deal!

3. I had the pleasure of meeting Angela at a couple of events through the Forte Foundation and knew that I had to jump at any opportunity to work with her in a small-group setting.

I really LOVED my experience with the boot camp! Another numbered list:

1. Right off the bat, you get a bunch of really wonderful written resources from mbaMission that help you brainstorm, identify and construct stories, polish your resume, and even work with recommenders.

2. The group is small enough that everyone participates, and you get the individual feedback that I feel like we're all hungry for. You get some feedback on your work during the call, and we had homework after the call that we reviewed individually with Angela. We had to draft an essay and list potential stories for other essay topics, and we got individual feedback on all of it. So awesome.

3. I learned what an MBA application should look like. There is a method to the madness and a structure that adcoms recognize and understand. Especially as a non-traditional candidate, I wanted to make sure that my application made sense to them and that I was communicating my skills and experiences in a way that they would understand. The methods I learned for essay-writing and resume polishing really helped with that.

4. This boot camp made me get my butt in gear! Angela makes you write during the boot camp, like live during the webinar. I was really nervous about the essays and was TOTALLY procrastinating, but I was forced to start writing in class, and it really helped make the essays seem less intimidating.

5. Angela is awesome!! Seriously, she's so great. She also knows a whole lot about storytelling and screenwriting, so if you don't have a lot of experience telling stories, she's an amazing asset. For me, as someone working in entertainment, was wonderful to work with someone who knows about my industry.

So, this is a long review, BUT I do want to tell you guys how my admit process is going so far. I applied to five schools (Stanford, Kellogg, Anderson, Stern, and McCombs) and have been accepted with significant scholarships to Kellogg and Anderson, have an offer from McCombs, and have an interview invitation from NYU.

For me, this workshop was the start to a months-long process of introspection and intense MBA application grind. And it was the RIGHT start to that process. This class touches on all aspects of your application, from understanding the adcom to building your goals, to of course essays and resumes, which are the main focus. I found it so valuable, especially since you do get individual attention from your instructor.

I hope this review was helpful, and good luck to you during your MBA journey!! You got this!

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