July 31, 2013

Joined: Jul 31, 2013

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Here is the email I sent to Angela last week:
It's been a while since we saw you first in our GMAT class and then at the mbaMission application Boot camp. I hope this email finds you well =) I wanted to reach out and say hello as well as update you on what transpired regarding my MBA applications. My boyfriend and I are moving to Cambridge Thursday!! He was accepted to Harvard and I’m off to Sloan. We are both super excited and it couldn’t have turned out any better. Thank you for all your help and support! We definitely couldn’t have done it without your guidance in mabMission's Boot Camp!!! I’ve told everyone that asks about the application process about Manhattan GMAT as well as mbaMission. Both are great programs and I think my positive perception is attributed to my experiences with you. Just wanted to share the good news and say "Thanks" again!!

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