January 19, 2017

Joined: Jan 19, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V44

Review of SBC (Erika)


I worked with Erika at SBC, had a fantastic experience, and recommend her with the fullest enthusiasm!

Despite feeling prepared, I wanted some support from an impartial but expert source to ensure my applications were strong. Erika provided hourly advice for my applications to 2 schools, and I couldn't be more thankful for her help. I was admitted to both schools and will be attending HBS in the fall.

There are many reasons why Erika was a huge help, but I found three things to be the most helpful.

1. She will save you time and keep you on track:
Having someone to be accountable to will inherently help you meet and keep deadlines. But Erika added value beyond this. First, she ensures very quick turnaround time and usually replied within 1-2 days. Second, she removed all wavering and second guessing from my process (e.g., giving me confidence that an essay idea was strong, saving me from wasting time debating other ideas).

2. She is both an expert in writing and in business school:
As an HBS grad, she understands the schools and the process. But she is also an expert writer. She knows what you need to do to have your writing be crisp, compelling, and effective. As someone who mostly writes in power point bullets these days, this was really helpful.

3. She knows your story, but is able to remain honest and impartial:
Erika quickly was able to learn my stories, work experiences, and strengths, advising me on which to draw upon in each application and interview. But she remained honest and impartial throughout. Erika wastes no time (and none of my $) in delivering direct feedback, and had no qualms in telling me to re-do a paragraph or start an essay over. These are characteristics you can't get from family or friends.

Finally, she was a blast to work with and I enjoyed getting to know her. Thanks again to Erika for the support!

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