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Product Stacy Blackman Consulting MBA Admissions Hourly Services
Consultant Margaret (SBC)
I purchased the hourly service at Stacy Blackman and used two different consultants for five hours each. Both of them were very experienced and helpful. I found it effective to gather two points of view and had them work on similar themed essays for two different schools. They both pushed me and challenged me and definitely got me a lot further than I would have gone on my own. Ultimately I was admitted to one of the two programs but don't attribute that to better service or insights by the one consultant. It showed me if anything what a crapshoot the process is and reinforced the notion of applying to more than one school. By the way the one I was admitted to is known to be more competitive. I highly recommend Blackman after working with their team. They added true value and I truly wonder if I could have been successful without their expertise. Don't really think I could have asked for anything more in an admissions service.