May 15, 2024

Joined: May 15, 2024

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Exceptional service with Stratus Admissions Counseling and Sophie Hilaire

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Transitioning from solider to civilian and returning from the east Africa region, where I was deployed with the Army, to NYC, posed unique challenges, especially as an MBA hopeful.

My path led me to pursue an MBA at Georgetown University, my dream school, with a focus on social impact, particularly in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Throughout this transformative journey, the support and guidance I received from Stratus Admissions Counseling, especially from Sophie Hilaire, were unparalleled.

Sophie’s approach was not only professional but also incredibly empathetic. She understood the nuances of my Army background and helped tailor my application to highlight my strengths and unique experiences. Her insights were invaluable, especially in articulating my transition and future aspirations in the social impact space.

Thanks to their dedicated assistance, I am now set to begin my MBA at Georgetown University.

I highly recommend Stratus Admissions Counseling and Sophie Hilaire to any prospective student seeking a partner who offers more than just admissions strategy but a truly personalized plan towards achieving their educational/career goals.

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