April 22, 2019

Joined: Apr 22, 2019

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DC and SBC- Highly Recommended!


Applying to business schools is a daunting, and frankly, overwhelming task. As a non-traditional applicant, my b-school network was extremely limited (I only knew one person that had even gone to business school). I did not even know where to start. Fortunately, my one contact happened to be an HBS grad, and recommended me to SBC.

From the start, the entire SBC was very genuine about understanding me not only as an applicant, but also a person. Only after completing the application process do I fully understand and appreciate the importance of finding the right fit in both the firm, and the consultant. SBC is very thoughtful about pairing the applicant with the right consultant. After a few informational discussions, I was ultimately paired with DC- and wow did I luck out! DC has been an amazing resource, guide, and ultimately, has truly become a friend. DC was able to ask meaningful, thoughtful, questions that encouraged introspection on who I am and my goals- and pushed me to develop those ideas further.

DC’s methodical approach truly made me more confident in articulating my story- she honed in on aspects of my profile that I initially thought to be inconsequential, but were ultimately areas I highlighted in essays and interviews. Not only did DC provide immediate feedback to any question or thought I had, but also connected me with past clients and other individuals to gain a better understanding of the application process. SBC’s additional resources to help you throughout the application process, including past essays, interview transcripts, and mock interviews, proved to be invaluable.

The “numbers” (test scores, undergraduate institution, etc.) portion of my profile was far from stellar. With the help and guidance of DC and the entire SBC team, I was able to craft my applications in a way that highlighted my strengths. I applied to five schools. Ultimately, I received three acceptances, including full scholarships to two top 10 schools. There’s no doubt in my mind that I would not have had the outcomes I did without the encouragement and support of DC and the entire SBC team. I cannot recommend them enough!

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