September 06, 2017

Joined: Jun 25, 2015

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Three Admits!!


I hope this review is helpful to anyone applying to business school and wants to make the best possible decision to be successful: hire Bill at Stacy Blackman Consulting. It's that simple.

I was actually working with another consulting company and felt out of control. I had hired them several months in advance with the thought that I would slowly work on my three applications, no rush, no panic. But I was not making progress and felt like I just was not getting the type of direction I needed, I was not sure of my essay topics or even that sure of my schools. Everything felt half baked. When a friend mentioned that she was working with SBC and was very happy I decided what the hell, hire them for a few hours and see what they could do. I started working with Bill and he literally rescued me from the flames. The difference was so obvious - he added clarity to my application, guided me in picking out schools and coming up with topics to use in my essays. We had a great conversation where I hung up knowing what to do. I had focus and direction instead of utter confusion and chaos. So one step at a time, we worked together and created great apps. By then I was down to 5 weeks until deadline and in a panic. But Bill was calm and cool and responsive. Every time we spoke or emailed I made progress and things moved in the right direction, at a good pace.

In five weeks we exchanged hundreds of emails and went through 30+ essay drafts - cant really believe it.

The approach we took was completely different from what I was doing before. There was a strategy behind the whole story and it really reflected me. In the end I pulled off a hat trick with acceptances to three schools! As Bill knows, he has my eternal gratitude.

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