September 05, 2017

Joined: Sep 05, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V42

A dream come true


This is a special shout out not only to the entire team at Stacy Blackman Consulting, but especially to Christine Hawkins, my admissions consultant, who worked tirelessly with me over the course of several months.

Christine not only helped me pick out which schools to apply to in the limited time I had (I was applying for round 2!), but also saved my essays! She gave me excellent feedback, and I don't think I would have achieved what I did without her guidance. Her feedback was truly insightful, unbiased, and clear. She also steered me in the right direction, especially when I would get carried away with a particular experience or story in my essays. No matter how stressed I got, Christine was always there to help, and extremely prompt with her responses.

I think the biggest learning I got out of working with Stacy Blackman Consulting is that you get just enough of a push in the right direction, without losing your own ideas. They don't just help you write specific essays or answer individual application questions, they teach you how to think about and approach your applications as a whole.

In the end, I was able to apply to my top 5 schools in a limited window, and finally received two admits of which one also included a scholarship! Even though I was sitting thousands of miles away from my consultant, in another country, I never once felt like she was not there for me.

Thank you Christine for helping me realize my dreams, and not giving up on me!

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