December 20, 2016

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I had low test scores, but I still got in to school


I had an excellent experience working with CP at Stacy Blackman. From the moment the process began it was clear that CP was a seasoned pro. Going in to the process, my GRE score and my GPA were below average. Despite this, CP helped me to craft a story that highlighted my strengths (i.e. leadership, extensive work experience, and community service). She was an expert at showing me how to weave my story effectively through all parts of my application.

Throughout the process, I was often pre-occupied with my low statistics (I imagine many applicants in my position might be as well). However, CP helped me focus on my application as a whole. We addressed my low numbers where relevant, but focused most on the areas that made me a strong candidate.

Business school applications require a ton of work, and I believe that CP’s guidance worked for me because I was willing to listen to her and willing to put in the work required of me. CP provided me with guidance and constructive feedback, but she was not there to do the work for me. She was instrumental in making sure that my application was uniform and consistent. With her help, I created the best application material and told the best story that I possibly could.

CP not only helped me get in to 2 of the 3 schools I applied to, but she also helped me to further understand why I want to pursue an MBA. I could not have asked for a better outcome. If you are someone with below average numbers, I would recommend Stacy Blackman, and CP specifically, as long as you are willing to listen and fully dedicate yourself to the process.

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