May 17, 2016

Joined: Aug 29, 2015

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Stacy Blackman SUCCESS


A friend that had used Stacy Blackman when he was applying to MBA programs recommended that I do the same. He said the services provided were excellent, and they helped him get into the program of his choice (Ross). I, admittedly, was skeptical. Did I really need assistance doing this? Is the price worth it?

The short answer: absolutely. During my initial assessment, I described exactly what I was attempting to do, where I feel I would need the most help (my story), etc. etc. I was partnered with a consultant that had graduated from Anderson a few years prior. Working with him was fantastic. I approached this process with a very no-nonsense demeanor, and from our first meeting he said that he wasn't there to babysit me, I knew what I had to do, and he would help me along the way. We clicked immediately.

I knew the difficulty was going to be telling my story. How do I tell my story, and how do I tell it correctly? How to I describe the path that I will take to achieve my goals, and how will an MBA help? How will I, a humble broker in Philly, who dreams of being a Hollywood Power Player ascend to greatness, and what path will I write about in my essay?

Re-write after re-write, meticulous tweak after meticulous tweak. Six drafts. It was done. The tutelage and partnership had helped me produce what seemed like a successful essay. The submit button was hit in late 2015, and the acceptance call to my dream school came in March.

So, was Stack Blackman Consulting worth it? Without a doubt.

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