January 18, 2016

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SBC and Dawn: The catalysts that helped me get into my dream school

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I started out with SBC targeting a magnificent 7 B-school with GMAT score that was in range but slightly below average. I spoke to Dawn before signing on and was immediately drawn by her clear and direct approach to the application process. Dawn helped me plan my strategy; she helped me bring out things in my application that actually mattered. Things that adcom actually cared about. She put an entire strategy together with clear target dates, proof read my essays and gave me a mock interview. Her approach was systematic and through various steps she helped me think about different aspects of my application that put my essays in shape. Without Dawn and SBC I wouldn’t have put my best foot forward and wouldn’t have gone for my interview with such confidence. Today, I am finally going to my dream school and couldn’t be happier with my experience with SBC.
In summary, I highly recommend SBC and Dawn if you are targeting a top 10 B-School.

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