January 27, 2015

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I talked to a few admissions consultants before deciding on SBC and Caryn. They all looked at my list of school and told me to have more 'realistic' expectations. They told me that given my demographic and background, I had a slim chance of being admitted to my dream schools. SBC was different. I could tell SBC really believed in me, and was committed to helping me craft my story in a way that set me apart from other applicants. Caryn's marketing background was a key success factor in our work together, as she had a good sense of how to best position my application and bring the most out of both my professional experience and extracurricular involvement. Given my ambitious list of schools, we started working extremely early (I'm talking a year before applications were due, early). And after all was said and done, I got in to HBS. I am so incredibly excited for this opportunity, and as much as I am proud of myself for successfully making it through the application process, I have to say, I could not have done it without Caryn.

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