January 26, 2015

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Honestly, after working with Stacy Blackman Consulting for the past months, I cannot in a million years imagine going it alone. I am so thankful that I had in Margaret an expert partner, who helped me and had my back at every turn. When I think about the most valuable aspects of my experience, there are really two that stand out: Number 1) Guidance in marketing myself. What I learned from Margaret was that I was trying to recite the details of my background like a resume, rather than telling my story in a more strategic way. So I would say "I told job A then job B, then decided to go to school" instead of explaining who what how and why! She grilled me and grilled me and got me to answer real questions about myself that went far beyond just what I did. It completely altered the way I viewed my applications. Number 2) Review layers. I had several sets of eyes on each one of my applications. Margaret guided the entire show but we always had other weighing in at different times and that was really valuable. Capturing different perspectives and opinions in a very organized way was awesome. I am very happy that I hired Margaret at Stacy Blackman and had the support of their expertise behind me. They have been in the biz longer than anyone and I do think that says a lot.

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