January 23, 2015

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Because I had a lot of friends at business school, I felt I had a good handle on the admissions process and initially decided to go it alone. I was VERY skeptical that paying someone to help me could top the advice I would get from a very tight friend who was super smart and knew me well. I worked solo on two applications round 1 and then fairly late in the game, three weeks before my round 1 deadlines, decided to throw in two more. Because I had so little time, and the final two felt like stretches, I caved and hired Stacy Blackman Consulting. BEST. DECISION. EVER. Why? Well, first of all, I was successful. I applied to two more competitive schools and got in. However, of the first two that I applied to on my own, I received one admit and one rejection. Not just was so much harder doing it on my own as I had no idea whether I was approaching things in the right way. So, I was extremely stressed, burned out...basket-case.... It MAY be possible to ask friends, weed through all the info available online, read books, review websites and replicate the expertise I got from the team at Stacy Blackman but who has time for that? Plus I had a hard time knowing what info was actually quality - there is so much junky, BAD information available online. When I was solo, I always questioning, and ultimately I know now that I did make some pretty big mistakes in the way I approached my essays. I also want to say that the interview support I received from Stacy Blackman was nothing short of stellar. Bill, who helped with the interview prep, gave me some very simple exercises to help me focus my answers, and it transformed the experience for me. A lot of the questions I practiced were very similar to the ones I was asked. AND I felt relaxed and in control during my real things. So - YES I am grateful, no longer a skeptic and just on top of the world. Thank you to Stacy Blackman Consulting and to Meredith.

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