January 22, 2015

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I had very high expectations when I hired SBC. My brother and his
roommate both worked with them and had very positive results.
Plus I was writing a big check and they had quite a reputation.
So I expected professionalism and excellence, and results. Almost
a year after deciding to engage with them, I am happy to report
that they did not let me down at any turn. I may have driven them
crazy at several points along the way, but I definitely received
the insights, support and level of service that I was looking
for. When I initially met with my consultant I knew that I had
many stories to tell, and there were many angles that I could
take. But I felt extremely scattered and overwhelmed as I did not
know how to weave it together, what to leave out etc... The HBS
essay especially threw me as there was so much I wanted to convey to my first choice school and I was not even sure if I should be submitting anything at all. My consultant helped me weed through everything and brought a calm, expert, outside perspective, helping me bundle ideas together and form the pieces of my strategy. There was a very systematic approach that helped me to see the big picture and fill in details. I appreciated the
confidence with which my consultant directed me - of course I
could do as I wished but he absolutely had no doubts with regards
to the way he advised me and that boosted my confidence in the
path we took. The fact that I could leverage additional SBC
resources throughout the process was also very helpful. Knowing
that I had some extra reviews from others on the team just added
to the thoroughness. I truly recommend Stacy Blackman Consulting - great approach, great team, excellent process. And...oh yeah -
I am HBS bound.

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