January 10, 2015

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I was initially very daunted by the opened end nature of the HBS essay question and really didn't know what my "personal brand" was or how to even begin articulating it. I weighed up the cost and decided to hire an admissions consultant. After a bit of research I decided on SBC, who promptly connect me with Paul.

Paul was invaluable in helping me craft a story that was true to my personal experiences but also aligned with what the admissions committee would be looking for. I was particularly impressed with the quality and depth of the insights Paul was able to give me after having only spoken to me for such a short period. Paul's availability at short notice and quick response times to my questions were also highly appreciated.

Working with Paul also saved me immense amounts of time as I was able to quick focus down on my essay topic, rather than spending hours and hours brainstorming ideas.

Without Paul's help I would not have been able to come up with such a strong essay or strong all round application.

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