January 09, 2015

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Going into the application process, I was having difficulty articulating why I wanted to go to business school. I knew what I wanted to do, but struggled to explain how my goals tied back to what I had accomplished and how an MBA would help me achieve them. However, I knew my essays were critical to the success of my applications; although I had strong work experience and great recommendations, my GMAT and GPA were slightly below average for my target schools, and I had very limited extracurricular involvement. Meredith was a huge difference maker for me. She helped me sculpt essays that highlighted my strengths, mitigated potential quantitative concerns, differentiated my story, and clearly articulated how my professional experience had led me to business school and why an MBA was a critical next step. Meredith was very candid, personable, thorough, and responsive in her approach, which was especially helpful due to the tight time frame of the application process and the lack of knowledge I had going in. In addition, her experience as an interviewer at Kellogg helped me to explain my story to admissions committee members in a consistent and appropriately succinct manner that resonated with the rest of my application. In large part due to Meredith’s help, I was admitted to Ross, one of my top choices, where I will be attending this fall!

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