December 24, 2014

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I decided to go for Stacy Blackman Consulting based on the online reviews and following the success that I have achieved in the last few weeks (Admitted to Kellogg with Scholarship and Admitted to Tuck), I definitely recommend SBC to potential candidates.

My kick-off call was set up with Esther Magna and this call in itself gave me the confidence in SBC's ability to guide a candidate through the application. Esther set me up with Seher Khanna and Seher brilliantly guided me through the entire process.

I knew my strengths and my weaknesses but Seher helped me to organize my thoughts into one single piece that was specific to each application. She continuously challenged me to improve and moreover kept me motivated whenever I felt tired or dejected during the application process (one of the very important elements of a successful application from my perspective). She was extremely flexible with my ad-hoc requests for discussions and very timely with her responses; Over those 3 months I never had to wait for her response. SBC additionally provided 3rd person peer reviews of my application and this helped me to further identify the gaps in my application.

I was honestly skeptical of SBC's claim of a "92% success rate in getting applicants into at least one of their four top schools" before I started but I can confidently state today that SBC and especially Seher's support was invaluable for me to achieve this success today.

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