February 25, 2013

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Kudos: 5

Caryn Altman came with the highest praise from a friend and I cannot echo that sentiment more. I was accepted to Booth and Kellogg and I couldn’t have done it without Caryn’s dedicated guidance and unwavering support.

She made every effort to get to know me as a person to put together a distinctive application. Caryn will be extremely honest with your candidacy strengths and weaknesses (which is exactly what you need), but more importantly, she commits to working with you to find solutions and positively frame your message. Her insights from AdCom’s perspective and willingness to reach out to the Stacy Blackman Consulting network for additional resources were the finishing polish that took my essays to a new level.

I can honestly say that no matter the outcome, I wouldn’t have had a single regret this application cycle because I know Caryn helped me put together the best application I know I’m capable of. A million thanks to Caryn and the Stacy Blackman Consulting team – I’m ecstatic to start at Booth in the fall!

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