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I selected Marshall primarily due to its location, alumni network and the culture. And I was not let down by any of the 3. I was helped by a lot of alumni during my recruiting phase, and due to its location, I traveled to Bay Area a lot (where eventually I ended up). The student culture at USC in general is very collaborative and you can get help from anyone whom you approach. The facilities are pretty good and with the new building it would be better. Career services went through a lot of churn during my time but I think it had stabilized now. Overall, I had a very good experience and I highly recommend Marshall for MBA.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (4.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network
Culture & Student Support
Career opportunities provided by school
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)