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USC Marshall was great. My classmates were diverse in background and experience. So I had the opportunity to hear a lot of differing points of view durning my time there. The emphasis on communication skills and teamwork has been huge in helping me be successful post-graduation (as a consultant for one of the Big 4). I took advantage of pretty much every opportunity that I wanted. I competed in a lot of case competitions (including GCC), I was on the ABAC team, I received the Business of Entertainment Certificate, and I recruited heavily for consulting. The opportunities were great, and I appreciate them to this day. Career services was awesome (especially Elaine). They were great when I was there, and they have helped me recently when I was looking for a change. Also, I had a lot of fun. The social activities were great, and the program is very tight knit.
Professors and classes were uneven. For the most part, they are really good. When you are selecting your electives, make sure you get notes from 2nd years on which classes are good and bad.
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