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Improvement 30 Points
Course Manhattan Prep Manhattan GMAT Private Tutoring
Instructor Josh Braslow
Location Pune, India
I scored a 710 on the first attempt of GMAT but felt that it wasn't adequate for the schools I was aiming for. To get that extra push and target my weaknesses I opted for the Manhattan Prep GMAT 10 hour tutoring session. From the first hour itself I could see a remarkable change in the way I approached problems especially in the verbal section where I needed the most improvement. Josh guided me through the difficult concepts like divisibility, number properties, permutations and combinations by providing me with material with challenging questions and explaining concepts in a clear manner. He taught me the right way to approach critical reasoning problems which was my main area of concern. He also helped me get over my test anxiety which usually used to hamper my concentration to a large extent. The Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy guides and the practice exams also were very helpful though the quant section in the practice exams was a little harder than the actual GMAT level and can demoralize you at times. But on the whole it was an excellent experience working with Josh and Manhattan Prep GMAT and the results are evident from a score of 740 in the second attempt.