December 16, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V41

Key to 700+ Score


Manhattan GMAT is the best decision that I made during my business school application process. In 4 months, I went from a 520 on my first practice test (20% in Quant) to a 710 (76% in Quant) on the actual test. It was my first and only time taking the test. Manhattan GMAT breaks down the content and builds on the material it a way that makes studying manageable and even enjoyable at times. I attended class in person in NYC, which I found very helpful for staying on track. My instructor was top notch and helpful out of class as well. They also provide an NYC testing center to take practice tests in a test day environment, which helped ease test day stress. I benefited the most from the endless online materials and instructional videos. I am convinced that if you go to class, do the homework, and take the practice tests, that Manhattan GMAT is all you need to get a great score on the GMAT. Totally worth it.

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