September 16, 2014

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Manhattan GMAT Course Review


I was very nervous going into my GMAT studying - not knowing if I had the ability to score very well and not knowing if I could even get back into intense studying after being out of college for five years. After scoring a 570 on the initial practice test, I knew I had my work cut out for me, but Manhattan GMAT was such a helpful program. My in-class instructor, Dan Bartz, was so knowledgeable about all of the topics we covered. He was so great at teaching us what we needed to know to be able to do well on the GMAT, and he also did a great job preparing us mentally for the test. He was very good at engaging everyone in the classroom, and I often times was surprised when class was over, as it seemed time had flown by! The materials provided by Manhattan were also fantastic. All of the books explained each subject area so thoroughly, but in an easy-to-understand, not-too-technical manner. The online materials were just as helpful, as well. What I also really appreciated was the post-exam assessment I had with Haakon Brown (a long discussion following my first attempt at the official GMAT). Having an MGMAT instructor break down my weak and strong areas and provide me with a study plan for my next attempt at the test was great, but what I found most helpful was the way Haakon was able to help me get in the proper mental state - since I found the GMAT to be such a psychological grind (both while studying and while actually taking the test), it really gave me the confidence I needed! I ultimately scored a 700 on my second attempt at the GMAT, and I know I would not have come close to that without having taken Manhattan's GMAT review course, and I can't thank the company - and the instructors who helped me - enough!

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