May 30, 2014

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Excellent GMAT Prep


I took Manhattan's in-person class and I think it did wonders for my score! The class was not just informative, but interactive. My teacher, David, was very knowledgeable and personable. He really got the whole class involved. Speaking of which, the whole class was only about 7 of us so it was very easy to ask questions and get the attention we needed.

This class didn't include too much instruction, it was mostly targeted on highlighting common errors in approach to solving different problems and then discussing strategies to be faster and more accurate. I was happy to find that the class complemented the texts and gave a solid structure on how to work through them. This made my studying a whole lot easier. Plus, the online system for logging your accuracy and timing was super valuable information when trying to improve my score.

I'm typically a good test taker but the GMAT really required special training and I'm very satisfied with that provided by Manhattan GMAT. I actually recommended it to several of my friends!

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