January 12, 2014

Joined: Jan 12, 2014

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MGMAT is great class and I would recommend it to anyone. Before picking a class, I asked around and the general consensus was on MGMAT. I had previously tried to study on my own, but was overwhelmed by all the material that needed to be covered. MGMAT broke the material down into manageable steps and really helped me hone in on my problem areas.

The in-person class was more than I could have hoped for and I would and have recommended Abby’s class to anyone that listens. Like many perfectionist, I struggled with skipping problems, but Abby really helped me get over my ego and do what was best for my score. She was also able to teach the class in a manner that worked for people that were all at different levels and never did I feel like we were going too slowly.

Overall the course was great and helped me improve my score from a 640 on my original diagnostic to a 760 on test day.

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