January 15, 2013

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After the 9-Session Prep Course, I reviewed for a week before taking the official exam. I sat down confidently that day, believing that I would score at least a 680. However, soon after accepting my scores, I realized that my official score was a disappointing 590.

I took a three day break and re-planned my schedule again. I simply went over the whole set of books again. I wrote every piece of detail I did not know or understand on a note card. I reviewed the note cards at the end of each week and meticulously solved every problem on the OG13 and Quant and Verbal books. By the end of the ninth week, I had around 350 note cards of which I started discarding slowly. When taking the Practice Exams, I also realized that I did relatively well throughout most of the exam. My only problem was that I lost stamina in the second half of the Verbal section. I would get about 80 to 90% of the questions right on the first 20 questions but then nearly 50% of the questions correct in the second half of the questions.

These two changes in my strategy helped me reach a goal well above my expectation: a 740 (Q49/V41).

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