February 12, 2017

Joined: Nov 13, 2014

Posts: 92

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

Magoosh should be a GMAT staple


Improvement N/A

Course Magoosh Premium

Location Online

I would like to start by saying that I feel as though I need to repay Magoosh back for the assistance they provided me during my 3 month study time and this is the best way I can show my appreciation. Yes, I truly believe their team and platform is that good.

What stands Magoosh apart from other companies? Dedication and less smoke and mirrors. What do I mean by the latter? There are two main things that really impressed me about Magoosh's approach. First, they actually recommend using material from other companies! Crazy, right? But Magoosh realized that Manhattan has done a pretty solid job writing in depth guides and instead of competing with Manhattan over guides, Magoosh embraces that fact and suggests that students include that in their curriculum. Second, Magoosh material is not overly difficult to scare students into buying more content. I have taken Veritas prep exams, don't get me started on the their verbal section, and Manhattan exams that are a lot more difficult than the actual test. While I can appreciate the concept of if I can do more difficult questions than I should be fine with easier questions on the actual test; however, I feel that this really affects the pacing of the test and timing strategies. Magoosh's question set is very similar to the actual test.

And finally the Magoosh team. I have nothing but the upmost respect for the team. I joined a free RC session with another company on the GMATclub forums and I am not sure if there was a cultural difference but I felt as those the presenter was extremely critical of the students. In my opinion there were moments of entrapment where the presenter would ask "why are you struggling with RC" and if you selected "can't concentrate on subject matter" the presenter would respond by saying "Do you not understand that this material is for 3 to 5 questions?" or "Is this not important to you?". That is not the type of motivation I needed in an area I am struggling in. I tried two free sessions from this company and realized it was not for me. This was mentioned because Mike McGarry at Magoosh expects the practice of excellence when posting, especially if it is regarding a verbal topic. The way that Mike handles the pursuit of excellence is vastly different from the other company because Mike takes the route of encouragement instead of belittlement. Please keep that in mind.

If you have any further questions regarding my experience with Magoosh feel free to send me a private message.

Bests of luck with your studying!

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