September 12, 2016

Joined: Apr 15, 2014

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720 Q49 V38

An ESSENTIAL component for any self-learning GMAT preparation


Improvement N/A

Course Magoosh Premium

Location Online

To be fair, I did not sign up for the Manhattan GMAT in-class course, and I know how popular that is, so I can't directly compare to that course, but surely like many people, I was initially hesitant about taking a self-learning course (who was I going to ask questions to? would it be enough?) especially since I really wanted to just take the test once and be done with it versus having to take it repeatedly and thus waste my time that I could be doing other things.

For me, thinking my experience:

DO use Magoosh if: you are self motivated to study. All of the concepts on the test are covered. The practice problems are great, the video explanations for each problem are easy to understand, and for those extra tough questions, they answer your email questions within 48 hrs. I don't really know what I missed out on by NOT taking an in-person class.

DON'T use Magoosh if: you need a structured plan to keep your butt on track. Having a full-time job, I totally that's hard. For me, I started waking up at 6 AM so I had an hr and half before work to prep every morning, and spent ~1-2 hrs in the evening. Of course, I also studied on weekends.

Altogether, materials I used:
- Magoosh Premium ($200 for 1 year)
- MGMAT CAT/ Question Bank ($75 online)
- 2016 Official GMAT Guide
- 2016 Official GMAT Verbal Workbook (bought mistakenly but still used lol)
- GMATPrep (2 free prac tests, 90 questions free with signing up for GMAT test)

To reiterate, If you know you don't lack self-motivation to get your butt up in the morning to study, then I can assure you that conceptually and in terms of content, Magoosh covers everything you need to know.

If you need a class to keep you on track and are cool with spending the ~$2k on an in-person class, then go for it. Otherwise, spend the $200 on Magoosh, create a plan, stick to it, and spend that $1800 on a nice gift-to-yourself after the test.

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