February 07, 2016

Joined: Feb 25, 2014

Posts: 181

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720 Q50 V38

Perfect one stop solution to all your GMAT-woes


Improvement 80 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

Location Online

I have been using a variety of course material but was still unsatisfied with the way SC was dealt with. Being a non-native speaker, I was especially anxious about this part. That is when a GMAT buddy recommended Magoosh to me and I am glad I tried. Till I used Magoosh, I had been through a lot of theory which I found difficult to apply. Although going through Magoosh’s SC videos were exhausting, but at the end of it I realized I had a firm handle over my concepts. These high-quality videos are well-researched and well-explained. The thing the Magoosh does right is that it not only goes into great depth but it also uses a lot of examples to drill that concept in. Additionally, the tips and concepts illustrated in the videos are of really high quality. The CR and RC areas are decently covered too. All the videos are short, exhaustive and easily comprehensible. They do use a lot of jargons, but you will get used to it.
As for the quant, being an Asian, I was already pretty decent with quant and didn’t need much help on that front. But I didn’t regret the quick refresher that Magoosh gave me. A lot of the tips were really handy especially the pacing tips.

Additionally, the almost 1000 practice questions that Magoosh have put up are, in my opinion, one of the best in its class and one of the most GMAT-like questions out there. The questions not only test on a variety of concepts but also test these concepts repeatedly so that the student learns from repetition and becomes confident with his/her skills. Each question is followed up by a video and text explanation and gives a link to the related concept videos and theory. The tags assigned to the questions along with the ability to flag a question for review, makes not only the question solving but also the revision very easy.

In all, Magoosh is the perfect one stop solution to all your GMAT-woes. It starts from the scratch with its comprehensive and high quality videos and brings you to your zenith with its high level questions and tips for exam taking.

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