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All Reviews > Magoosh > Magoosh Premium > Review Comments |
Magoosh Premium helped me get from a 690 to a 740 with only 3 weeks study. I tried to incorporate other software during this time however the different style of questions of often encountered and the poorly calibrated estimate scores caused me unnecessary concern. Magoosh's clear videos and clear interface lets you quickly get back to study each day where you left off. The practice problems are the right difficulty level for what i encountered on the GMATPrep software and then the real exam. The problems each have a written solution that you can quickly peruse or a fully worked video solution to cement any difficult ideas in your mind. Amazing for Quant but just as effective for Verbal, IR and AWA.
I combined the product with a 12 week study plan that Magoosh provided in their resources section and was happily studying when i was asked at work to move to Mongolia in 4 weeks time. Amazingly the Magoosh videos and solutions gave me enough of an edge in a crazy period in my life to get the score i wanted.
Oh, and all this for $99 - how you could possibly go wrong....