October 08, 2013

Joined: Jan 02, 2008

Posts: 21

Kudos: 6

Self-reported Score:
750 Q49 V44

Great in Quant, Good in Verbal


Improvement 150 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

Location Online

I had finished up the OG13 and was looking for fresh questions. I had taken Magoosh GRE and found it pretty good so decided to go for Magoosh Premium (99 for both quanty and verbal). I think I'm happy with the content. I got a 750 on my GMAT and I can definitely attribute some of this sucess to the Magoosh software.
Magoosh QUANT- The quality of quant questions are pretty good. At one point I found myself addicted to
them. One area where I think Magoosh has an edge is the online platform to practice questions. The video lessons were excellent, especially the ones on Probability and Counting (permutation/combination). There are plenty of DS questions so people having trouble with DS questions should definitely benifit with this section. I finished all practice questions in Math.

Magoosh Verbal- Also good. The SC questions are especially of good quality and their video explanations are good too. I wont score their RC sections too high. I found a good number of their answers as arbitary, OG answers made sense and related to the paragraphs. But it could be because I lacked an understanding of the passages. I finished about 60% of the questions. I liked the fact that the SC questions specifically tackle some of the oftern tested concepts and idioms on GMAT.

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