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Kellogg has been really great so far. I have been looking forward to business school for a very long time and this has far surpassed my expectations and I am pinching myself every so often to make sure this is real life. The student body is diverse and it is incredible to hear the stories of my classmates- they are so accomplished! One thing I would like to underline for future applicants is how large the class size is. This can be overwhelming at times, whether you are trying to sign up for social events or trying to get some focused career guidance. That being said, this is definitely offset by the huge network you have access to and the number of people you are able to meet.
Professors are great, really care about building relationships with the students, despite the large class size.
Tech is becoming extremely popular at Kellogg, second only to consulting. All of the big tech companies (Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc) recruit here on campus but the competition is pretty steep.
Overall BSchool experience (4.0)
Schools contribution (3.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Student body, diversity
Investment Banking