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Kellogg is a place that's very people focused. They focus on getting people who care about each other, willing to work in teams, and willing to help each other out. If you are not the type of person willing to take time out of your own day to help someone else get a job, this isn't the place for you. Because of that mentality, Kellogg is an amazing place to be. Everyone is amazing and such great people.
The professors are great and with the new building about to be opened, it's easy to see why this is one of the top business schools in the world. The learning opportunities are endless. Always make sure to stay engaged and go to as much as you can to keep learning, even if it isn't necessarily in your wheelhouse.
There's a little bit of everything here, but not a huge focus on anything. I would say CPG is probably the biggest recruiter here. I'm sure there are better schools if you're tech focused but I think the Kellogg brand is a very unique one.
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