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Most professors are serious about teaching, and most students are serious about studying/learning. Classes are quite intense, amplified by the grade non-disclosure policy. Huge student body allows a diverse selection of world-class professors, and thus the variety of classes we can choose from is phenomenal. Also, almost every class has at least some component of team assignments, and thus everyone in the team being committed to working hard is essential. These factors combined together ensure that all teammates work hard together to learn more.
Personally, I am joining my family business after graduation, and the resources here(student club, professors, center, courses) are unmatched at any other top b-school. If you are from a family business background, I would highly recommend Kellogg as your best choice.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Curriculum, Classes, Professors
Student body, diversity
Specialization in a particular area (e.g. Finance, Consulting, Healthcare, etc)