December 17, 2016

Joined: Aug 10, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V38

Great experience with Admissionado!


I started in late May from scratch with no Gmat, no Toefl, no career plan. The essay part began in August and I was able to apply to three schools in round 1. This would not have happened without the strong support from Admissionado. I'm glad that I walk through all these with such a wonderful consultant!

Admissionado basically excelled in every aspect I expected from a consultant. I can easily list a bunch of their strengths. They have rich knowledge in this whole thing. (This was especially helpful to someone who had little idea about MBA when started, like me.) They are experienced in shaping up the essays and CV. They don't do chit-chat but will check on you when your deliverables are overdue. But here are two things that impressed me most.

They are professional! Not to mention the quick turnarounds on essay edits and prompt email reply, every applicant who have to work full-time would understand how important it is to get useful information and right guidance in an efficient way. There was no back-and-forth on insignificant things between Admissionado and me and my consultant was always there to point right at the core. Personally, I like this style of working, because it removed everything vague and left only things that were important and things that I could change. Just trust their professionalism and you'll be surprised to see how smoothly things are getting done.

They see the bigger picture and have faith in me! More than once I was told by other consultants I approached at the beginning (mainly Chinese consultants) that I had been too optimistic and I should apply to schools that had a lower rank and comparatively easier to get in. But when it comes to position and overall strategy, Admissionado know what they are talking about (me getting all interview invitations from the three schools I applied somehow proved that). Even when I was getting two rejections from the three schools I applied in round 1, they were still confident in the whole strategy and in me. And I got accepted by Wharton in the end! Maybe through expectation management, some consultants try to help applicants get into some schools, but Admissionado help you get into the right and best school!

When I decided to go with Admissionado, I was quite determined to go for an MBA education. I don't need prep talks, deadline reminder or someone to hold my hands. I was looking for guidance and advice that can help me elevate my whole package, avoid rookie mistakes and get things done effectively. If you'are like me, spending time with Admissionado will definitely worth it!

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