January 07, 2014

Posts: 22

Kudos: 10

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720 Q49 V40

My business school journey has been a whirlwind of ups and downs since I began the process almost 18 months ago. Trying to keep this brief and on point, I was laid off in the middle of studying the GMAT and applying to schools in the fall of 2012. I bombed the GMAT and not unexpectedly was dinged without interviews. My first contact with Admissionado was through a post on "where do I go next." Jon was extremely candid in his free analysis of my profile and suggested I sign up for a ding analysis. I was then put in touch with Lauren and after a good 25-30 emails, I was paired up with Kyn for my ding analysis. Lauren's comments and guidance were instrumental in choosing Admissionado as I felt they actually had an interest in me and my applications and weren't just feeding me consulting lingo.

I utilized Admissionado initially for a ding analysis and was impressed with what Kyn was able to dig out of my application. I then worked with Kyn on an hourly basis as a reapplicant and although I was dinged again, it was not due to the guidance and help with my essays.

I finally bit the bullet and signed up for the jr. deluxe package. Having gone through the process before, I knew my biggest weakness was my essays and my story. Kyn was instrumental in getting my story to a point where I wasn't telling the adcom how smart I was, but who I was as a person and how I will add to the class. Coming for the overrepresented white male finance demographic, this was paramount to my applications.

In the end, I was admitted to my safety school which I will be extremely happy at should I decide to enroll. I applied to a number of schools R2 and it will still be another month before I hear anything back on those, but either way I would most definitely recommend Admissionado even if it is only for one school when you plan on applying to several - all of your applications will benefit from working with a consultant.

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