July 12, 2020

Joined: Jun 02, 2017

Posts: 7

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q47 V42

Experts' global ISB admissions consulting


I'd like talk about my experience with Expertsglobal.
Short story: Extremly satisfied and happy with my decision to use their services.
Long story: I’ve seen people with an exceptional profiles not getting selected because of the essay. It all boils down to how we sell ourselves in our essays. This is where expertsglobal really helped me structure my essays. The whole process was very student specific and extremely strategic. The POC's assigned are approachable and were ready to help even during the weekends and public holidays.
I had my initial drafts written prior consulting with expertsglobal. The final essays, post multiple edits and changes , was top notch. this service helped me to cut out any superfluous text, properly narrate my thoughts in a precise and coherent manner.
The interview prep provided by the team was also extremely beneficial. Initially the questionaire and interview prep material was a little overwhelming. You are really flooded with soo much material that you ll find yourself gasping for breathe. However with time, you really feel confident and prepared for the interview. Post my interview for the ISB YLP’19, I realised that the interview prep worked great for me. There was not a single question asked in the interview that I was not prepared for. Also, because you put in so much effort into the essays and the edits, it really helped my articulate my views/ goals better during the interview.
To conclude, it's an easy choice to chose their ssrvice. Their patient and student specific approach would make you realise your goal of making to a top b-school.

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