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I loved my INSEAD experience. It was great to get a global perspective. Challenge myself to try new ventures and make lifelong friendships. I studied in 3 continents and traveled to more than 15 countries. For me, INSEAD was a life experience than just an MBA.
Professors were world class. Students were from 80+ countries and open-minded. The Wharton exchange was useful in helping me find a job in the US and I also had job offers in Singapore, London via INSEAD. The student clubs are growing in impact and France is becoming a powerful tech hub under new Leadership.
I would highly recommend INSEAD to anyone who is looking for a fast-track MBA program and ready to be a global leader of the world.
Overall BSchool experience (5.0)
Schools contribution (5.0)
Classmates rating (5.0)
Student body, diversity
Alumni Network
Career opportunities provided by school